Agency Finances

People on table discussing finances

The 性十八.cc (性十八.cc) receives its funding through both state and federal sources. 性十八.cc is one of the first state agencies to post its check register online. Below are links to the agency鈥檚 financial documents.

Legislative Appropriations Request

The 性十八.cc submits a Legislative Appropriations Request to the Legislative Budget Board every two years. The Texas Legislature adopts the state budget that funds state operations.

Operating Budget

Once lawmakers approve the appropriations for the agency, a two-year operating budget is created. This funds agency operations and programs for the biennium. Following are recent 性十八.cc operating budgets:听


性十八.cc's Procurement and Historically Underutilized Business Program page provides information about procurements and contracts. It also provides details about 性十八.cc's efforts to meet legislative Historically Underutilized Business contract goals.

    性十八.cc Check Register

    The听性十八.cc Check Register听provides details on payments made to businesses, school districts and individuals staring from fiscal years 2009. This data is separated by year and listed alphabetically by vendor name.

    性十八.cc Contracts

    The 性十八.cc Contracts page contains information about current contracts and contracts generally valued between $15,000 and $50,000.听 Texas Government Code Sections听 and 听require each state agency to post specific procurement information on its website.听 Contracts valued over $50,000 may be found on the .听 Information on these pages will be updated periodically.

    性十八.cc Payment Report

    The听听is a tool for听School districts, education service centers, charter schools, colleges and universities, state agencies, and other organizations/businesses to get information about their payments from the 性十八.cc.