Story of the听Month听

Stephanie Warner

Lewis Elementary School鈥檚 physical education teacher, Stephanie Warner, has always made it her top priority to build relationships with her students and their families.听
(Read entire story)

To see submissions and to learn more about the #IAmTXEd campaign, click on any of the stories below or visit 性十八.cc on social media.

Recent Stories

Apryl Ott's class

Social Distancing doesn鈥檛 stop the learning moments

April 23, 2020

The night before Splendora ISD officially kicked off its new distance learning program, Apryl Ott recorded herself reading a bedtime story to her Kindergarten students at Greenleaf Elementary and expressed how excited she was for the next day.听

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Special messages connect a teacher to her students

March 31, 2020

Mrs. Thomas placed mylar balloons with a personalized message for her students

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Teacher鈥檚 Battle with Dyslexia, Inspires Students to Tackle Their Challenges

February 25, 2020

As someone who has experienced failures and struggles due to dyslexia, Rex Miller rewards his students for their tenacity.

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Sustainable STEM

January 28, 2020

Coleman ISD鈥檚 Pam Cohea is an innovative STEM teacher that works for Coleman Elementary and the campus鈥檚 21st Century Community Learning Center Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) Program.听

Contact Information


性十八.cc has solicited submissions to the #IAmTXEd campaign directly from school districts and charters and plans to publish stories from every region of the state. For questions regarding the campaign or to submit a story, please see the button below or email 性十八.cc Communications: iamtxed@tea.texas.gov