2023 Accountability System

The听2023 accountability reports and resources will be available on this page as they are released.

*The issuance of 2023 础鈥揊 ratings under the final 2023 rule is pending and subject to change based on judicial rulings or decisions from the 88th Legislature during a special called session.

Statewide Summary Slides

Statewide Summary of Underlying Data 2022-2023: District and campus data reports are available to school system leaders in 性十八.ccL. State-level and Region are publicly available to help school leaders identify how their data compares to the state and their region. These data do not include scale scores or听础鈥揊 ratings. They only include raw scores of the underlying indicators from students in the accountability subset. These slides provide additional context on the statewide data.

Federal Reports: Campuses Identified for Support under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools lists those campuses that have been identified for comprehensive support based on performance in the Closing the Gaps domain.听

Targeted Support and Improvement Schools lists those campuses that have been identified for targeted support based on performance in the Closing the Gaps domain.听

Additional Targeted Support Schools lists those campuses that have been identified for additional targeted support based on performance in the Closing the Gaps domain.听

2023 Accountability Manual

Please see the 2023 Accountability Manual webpage.听 For more details, please see the TAA sent Monday, October 31, 2023.听

Explanatory Materials & Resources

Accountability Lists & Summary Reports

Contact Information

Division of Performance Reporting
Phone: (512) 463-9704

Have questions? View answers to frequently asked questions, copies of presentations and district communications on our听Performance Reporting Resources page.

For Education Service Center (ESC) regional support, please contact the appropriate specialist in our list of听ESC Accountability Contacts.